Journal archives for January 2013

28 January, 2013

Looking forward to 2013 observations

We are currently going through the observations from 2012 and adding data to the Texas Natural Diversity Database. In just a few months we have documented almost all of the species possible in Texas. I very much look forward to what we can achieve in 2013!

Posted on 28 January, 2013 22:16 by cullen cullen | 0 comments | Leave a comment

29 January, 2013

iNaturalist in the classroom and Android issues

As the new semester starts up, some instructors have informed me that they plan to incorporate the H.O.T. project into their curriculum. For example, students in courses with a field component will be required to submit observations as part of their field journals. This is a great way to use iNaturalist in an academic setting and will benefit the project immensely. If any of you are considering using H.O.T./iNaturalist in your classes, let me know. I'd like to track how the H.O.T. project is being used.
On another note, I recently learned that the Android version of the iNaturalist app pales in comparison to the iPhone version. I was unaware of this issue since I am (barely) an iPhone user. We hope to have this resolved in the very near future and I will keep y'all informed of any changes/improvements.
*I should have mentioned this above: The Android version doesn't have a tab for selecting geoprivacy settings. The workaround for this is to simply hold off on syncing your observations until you are at a desktop where you can easily select whatever privacy setting you choose. Have fun and keep the observations coming!

Posted on 29 January, 2013 14:27 by andygluesenkamp andygluesenkamp | 1 comment | Leave a comment