City Nature Challenge 2024: Calgary Metropolitan Region's Journal

Journal archives for May 2024

03 May, 2024

Thank you!

Great work on everyone's observations over the weekend! We have surpassed our goal of 10K observations (by a long-shot) and the numbers continue to grow. The deadline to post all of your observations is Midnight May 5. It's a bit of a "soft" deadline as the CNC organizers will be pulling all of the numbers by 9am on May 6. Probably in the afternoon the global results will be announced and we will consider the event complete!

One last thing I would like to ask of all of you is that you hit the heart button for any great posts you come across. A great post might be an interesting find, a beautiful photo, or something that has some pizazz to it! This will boost them to the top of our project page which I can then relay to the global organizers for a chance that they may be featured in the results package!

I also want to thank all of the partner organizations and all of the event participants we had over the weekend. Several of the events had over 25 people which was great to see! Not everyone was sharing photos to iNaturalist (and that's totally okay) but the actual number of participants we see on our project page probably fall short of the total number of people who were out engaging with nature over the four days. I'll see if I can tally up all of the event participant numbers just to see how we did!

Thank you everyone and best of luck with identifications and getting all of your observations posted over the next 3 days!


Posted on 03 May, 2024 00:57 by wowokayyes wowokayyes | 1 comment | Leave a comment
