America Is Infested With Rats and Some of Them Are the Size of Infants.

iNatters, have you noticed this?

Posted on 29 August, 2017 14:15 by biohexx1 biohexx1


Well, this explains my infant's bald tail...

Posted by jmaughn about 7 years ago

I definitely saw a lot of rats earlier this year in DC. They were big, though generally in a rat sort of way. I didn't notice any infant-sized rats, which I'd like to think I'd notice.

Posted by jmaughn about 7 years ago

I've trapped around ten rats from our backyard grape trellis this year so far. They're going for the birdseed in our feeders.

Posted by rhislop about 7 years ago

Another thing to look forward to with climate change.

Posted by biohexx1 about 7 years ago

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