

Churches Count on Nature/Love Your Burial Ground Week records

Thank you to all the members of our burial grounds recording group for your participation and continued contributions. In anticipation of Churches Count on Nature 2024, we are pleased to share the data relating to last year's count.

We look forward to seeing your records again this year.

Primary statistics

• 224 sites
• 140 recorders
• 3290 records
• 955 species

Top 10 species

Herb Robert 50
Ribwort Plantain 43
Common Daisy 42
Germander Speedwell 41
Oxeye Daisy 37
Ivy 32
Ragwort 30
Wood avens 28
Cow parsley 28
Nettle 27

Top 5 trees

Elder 26
Yew 26
Holly 24
Sycamore 21
Beech 18

Top 5 mammals

Eastern Grey Squirrel 4
Muntjacs 1
European Wood Mouse 1
European Mole 1
Common Hedgehog 1

Top 5 birds

Blackbird 19
Common Wood-Pigeon 16
Robin 14
Eurasian Jackdaw 8
Carrion ...more ↓

Posted on 19 March, 2024 12:36 by liamfltaylor liamfltaylor | 0 comments | Leave a comment
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Welcome to the Beautiful Burial Ground Project. We would love to know about the wildlife you see in churchyards, cemeteries, or other types of burial grounds (in the United Kingdom).

Across the UK, there are over 25,000 burial sites, ranging from small rural churchyards to large urban cemeteries. These sites span various cultures, religions, and centuries.

Many of these sites ...more ↓

liamfltaylor created this project on 27 February, 2022
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