Thank you and a questionnaire

Thank you for joining the Beautiful Burial Grounds project on iNaturalist. We're tremendously grateful to everyone for sharing their records and their support for churches count on nature 2022. We hope many of you will continue recording throughout the year and join in with the count again in 2023.

We would like to invite all members of this group to share any feedback in the comments of this post. We are particularly interested in responses to the following questions:

- How easy did you find using iNaturalist and our project?
- Have you used any other recording systems prior to this?
- Do you have any wider feedback on what we might do better?

Thanks for your time, all responses will be very much appreciated.


Data Manager
Caring for God's Acre

Posted on 30 September, 2022 12:21 by liamfltaylor liamfltaylor


Yes I enjoyed doing it and inaturalist worked well. Easier than irecord which I used before. Not all records filter through to the NBN Atlas as you will know (although the publicity implied they would). The data is hard to find on the NBN Atlas without the link you provide. I am pleased the project will continue although the website implies it finishes in December. I also see that much of the data generated pre-dates the project and includes sites which I didn't realise could be included (can it be any church or burial ground of any denomination?)

Posted by major_bombylius almost 2 years ago

I am a keen recorder of wildlife in general, but the project provided a good focus for targeted recording in sites I would not have otherwise visited, generating some interesting and valuable records, including species I have never recorded before.

Posted by major_bombylius almost 2 years ago

I find it very easy to use and I love the fact that others make suggestions or put you right of you have identified something incorrectly.

Posted by cehiggs almost 2 years ago

Thank you for setting up this project.
I have been sucked into iNaturalist this year, having previously recorded in a variety of formats.
What I particularly like is being able to bulk edit into the project. My style is to go out on a walk, a slow one, and record as I go which means that I could dip in and out of projects during the course of my wanderings.

Posted by sauciepepper almost 2 years ago

I found the naturalist app to be very useful for identifying plants I was not sure of. I did not find it easy to use as part of the beautiful burial grounds count on nature project. I was the only one in our group who had a smart phone. We made a comprehensive list of species that we could identify confidently, but did not bother taking photographs of all of them and so could not enter them into the project. I did send a written list separately.

Posted by alison4y almost 2 years ago

@major_bombylius, @cehiggs, @sauciepepper, @alison4y - thank you all for your support and valuable feedback.

Posted by liamfltaylor almost 2 years ago

I started recording the plants in our churchyard last year when I was asked to do some images to be shown on a "roll" for a church event. I then became determined to continue to record what I found and this spring and summer have visited every couple of weeks with a friend who takes images of the fauna - mainly insects - that we find. Using iNaturalist to identify my images has been a great help and these can easily be added to the Beautiful Burial Grounds project. I find that the confirmation or correction of my suggestions is very helpful as are the "top suggestions" given for each image. Having now done a short botany course with the Field Studies Council, I am much more informed about what I need to look for on the plants in order to make an informed identification. I shall certainly continue next year, especially as the season this year was unnaturally compressed by the extreme heatwave.

Posted by christine1476 almost 2 years ago

The application was fairly easy to use, however there are several similar locations for our churchyard - I hope that the appropriate records get loaded into the National Biodiversity Network Atlas. A major limitation was the requirement to have a photo before an observation could be logged.
In the past I have used iRecord and iReordButterflies which do not require photographic evidence.
I was disappointed that when I emailed for clarification of the location data for iNaturalistUK, I never received a response.

Posted by hassettp almost 2 years ago

I have not used any recording systems like iNaturalist or been that interested in recording wildlife before but through Caring For God's Acre this project has made me take more notice of the wildlife around me generally as well as in burial grounds.

Using iNaturalist on my laptop is quite easy though I did not get on too well with the app, perhaps a more up-to-date phone might handle it better. One thing I thought was an issue was that iNaturalist is about recording wildlife and they say anything planted does not count. So I assumed that all or most of the trees and hedges in my local burial ground had most likely been planted so could only be recorded as a 'casual' observation.

I had a look at the NBN Atlas and I could not make much sense of it, there did not seem to be many recent observations there? I also looked on iRecord for my observations there. For people like myself who have a casual interest I would say iNaturalist is the more rewarding experience though you can only record what you can photograph (or make a sound recording of) which is sometimes a problem. I wonder if more flora and fungi get recorded than fauna as they can't run or fly away?

Overall, I have very much enjoyed taking part in this project and learning more about wildlife through iNaturalist has made me change my opinion on some plants (for the better) so thank you.

Posted by swiftyak almost 2 years ago

Thank you @christine1476, @hassettp, @swiftyak. I'll follow up with any questions individually.

Posted by liamfltaylor almost 2 years ago

I have downloaded the iNaturalist app to my phone; however, I found that I could not join the project or add my observation to the project on my mobile phone. I have had to log in on my laptop to join the project and add my observations to the project.
I intend to ask a few friends to join before I organise a big nature-counting event so that I know it works for other people.

Posted by helenra 6 months ago

This is the first time I have used iNaturalist and found it quite complicated. Very difficult to find the location of our Churchyard - each time I had to zoom in from a map of the world, and our Churchyard was not listed on the map, so I ended up using the closest road as the recording location. Also very difficult to find out how to download the results. Verification process is extremely slow, and I still only have a few confirmed verifications on the set of 40 records uploaded 9 months ago.
The language in the help and forum section is very techy and full of jargon.
Much easier to upload records to the Devon Biodiversity Records Centre - just filling in a spreadsheet!
However, the ID suggestions are really good.

Posted by smc2023 4 months ago

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