Journal archives for May 2016

17 May, 2016

Cabrillo NM Bioblitz in 4 days!

Hi Folks!

We're getting close to the big event! Thank you all for joining the project already!

As many of you are already aware, cell coverage at Cabrillo is pretty spotty at best. We will have an area by the visitors' center where we'll be able to tap into a wifi signal and sync our data to iNaturalist. You should still be able to get location data with your photo as you're filling in observations into the app.

Just a helpful tip to do ahead of time - we have species lists for various taxa available to download off the app. You may find this useful for inputting species' names when you're in an area with no data service. However, other than the mammal and herp guide which are complete, these are only the more common species.

For iPhone users - tap the "more" button at the bottom of the screen, then select "guides," then you can either search "cabrillo nm" or click on "nearby" to see the guides available. Then, select the guide(s) that you want, and then you can download them onto your phone.

Android and others - tap the top left icon, and then tap "guides." Follow the next instructions as above.

Thank you again and see you all soon!

  • Your Cabrillo friends
Posted on 17 May, 2016 22:08 by cabrillonationalmonument cabrillonationalmonument | 0 comments | Leave a comment

24 May, 2016

Thank YOU all for a successful bioblitz!

As you can see from the numbers coming in, the Cabrillo Urban Island Bioblitz was a huge success!! It could not have happened without all your help. As of right now, we have over 1700 observations representing 429 species!

A special thank you to all the experts who came out representing government, non-profit, and academic institutions. Not only did they contribute observations to iNaturalist, but also greatly educated our visitors through informative talks, and visitor contacts out in the field.

A huge thank you to the "iNatters" who came out to join in on the fun and for all the advice and technical support!

Many thanks to the folks (77 total!!) who have been confirming IDs and verifying our data, whether from San Diego, or from other parts of the country, or the world!

Remember to tag us in your photos from the event so that we can share!

--Cabrillo National Monument Bioblitz Team

@CabrilloNPS #Bioblitz2016 #FindYourPark


Posted on 24 May, 2016 23:03 by cabrillonationalmonument cabrillonationalmonument | 1 comment | Leave a comment
