Euro 24 Annotatathon Tour - Round-up!

Well, well, the tournament is over, and so is the little excursion that several of us have indulged in!

In total during the tournament over 113,000 annotations were added to European observations! Unsurprisingly in the last few rounds the biggest beneficiaries of our efforts have been teams that played against England, with Switzerland receiving 4200, the Netherlands just over 6000 and Spain 6800. France also muscled into the middle with just over 5400 annotations added.

Here are the graphs showing the change during the tournament:

Overall in the tournament the biggest beneficiary was Germany, which received 14,171 annotations, followed by France with 13,332, Denmark with 11,682, and Spain with 9,994.

For the participating nations outside the UK we have increased the proportion with a sex annotation from 27% to 42%, and with a life stage annotation from 26% to 50%. Fabulous work.

[A quick reminder, please do not add life stage annotations to UK observations from before 2022 for reasons discussed elsewhere.]

Well done everyone who participated!

Posted on 14 July, 2024 23:00 by matthewvosper matthewvosper


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