Ammianus junodi (Distant 1904)

Original description and illustration in:
Distant, W. L. 1904. On South African Tingidae and other heteropterous Rynchota. Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society 4.
Umber-brown; head immersed to eyes, which are black and almost touch the anterior margin of the pronotal hood; antennae with the first and second joints umber-brown, remainder mutilated in specimen described; pronotum with the interior of many of the areolets creamy- white, especially on the produced lateral and posterior areas, its disk piceous; elytra with the discoidal and subcostal areas almost uniform umber-brown, the costal and sutural areas creamy-white with the margins of the areolets brown, the first with large medial apical brown spots and some small lateral spots of the same colour; body beneath and legs piceous; head armed with a long semi-erect spine in front of each eye; pronotal hood with an erect discal anterior spine, pronotal lateral areas strongly ampliated on each side, slightly directed upward, their apices angularly truncate, their margins shortly spined, pronotal disk tricarinate; elytra with the discoidal a little wider than the subcostal area, areolets small, dense, with their margins thick and coarse, costal and sutural areas with the areolets larger and with finer margins, lateral margins of the first very distinctly spined.
Long. 41, mm.

Illustrated in:
Deckert, J. & Göllner,-Scheiding U. Lace bugs of Namibia (Heteroptera, Tingoidea, Tingidae)

Key to A. junodi group

iNat observation:

Posted on 15 June, 2024 13:59 by traianbertau traianbertau


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