The Tao of Finding Andrena and most other Ground Nesting Bees in the PNW

As with so many things there can be an element of knowing where to look if it only eats this or that. And then there is knowing when their their favorite is on bloom unless they love them all...

But it isn't that simple there is an addendum to when, it must be sunny and warm. These little lovelies don't fly well in the rain, and walking home is out of the question so they tend to stay home when it is cloudy and threatening rain even if things are otherwise fine I think I read somewhere that the 3 ocell in their forehead can see light polarization and that it works a little like a cumpas. Once the sun comes out so does the gang.

I wonder if Toxicoscordion has a longer blooming cycle than other plants or if it's Andrena reproduces in lower numbers to match pollen availability. You know the equation has to balance but could the Toxicoscordion benefit from taking its time about these things. I'm seeing plants devoting all their effort to seed while others don't have a single bud open in the same day.

Posted on 15 June, 2024 05:34 by little_mousie little_mousie


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