May and June Events and Updates

Hello Everyone!

I hope this message finds you well!

I know May is a busy time for everyone, myself included. I hope you are all enjoying the sunshine in between the (much needed) rain. Fun fact, the earthy scent produced when rain falls is called petrichor. It is created when ozone, geosmin, and plant oils in soil are released into the air from the rain falling on the ground.
Unfortunately, due to busy schedules, there will be no May pollinator walk. The next community pollinator walk will be held on Sunday June 2, 2024, from 1:00pm to 2:30pm at Fish Creek Provincial Park ☀️ You can register for the walk here. We will gather at Votier's Flats (13511 Elbow Dr SW, Calgary). 🐝🪲🐞
In place of a May pollinator walk, I would like to invite you to join the Alberta Native Plant Rescue group this Sunday, May 26, 2024, from 10:00am to 2:00pm. Genesis Land Development Corp. has granted us permission to hold a Native Plant Rescue at their Logan Landing Development, immediately south of Seton in Calgary. We will be working two areas below the escarpment down (see map attached), visible from 212 Ave SE.

** IMPORTANT ** Read the Native Plant Rescue Announcement May 26 for information about the event and the required materials. This is private property so all volunteers attending will need to register by email before the event.

To register for the Native Plant Rescue, please download and fill out the Native Plant Rescue Waiver May 26 and send it to Blake McNeill (
If anyone would like to hold an informal plant, pollinator, nature, or bird walk (or any other subject of interest!), please let me know and I can add the event to the community science page and send an invitation to the mailing list. On that note... I would be very interested if anyone is willing to share their knowledge on morel foraging. (:

You can find information about upcoming events and other community science projects on the Community Science page on the University of Calgary Biodiversity website.

Reach out if you have any questions!

Warm regards,
Alberta Plant and Pollinator Hub

Posted on 23 May, 2024 01:06 by jdo77 jdo77


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