Piesomera brunnea (Olivier 1795) - Chestnut Microtuberculated Toktokkie

Genus Piesomera Solier diagnosis in:
Kaminski et al. 2022. Female terminalia morphology and cladistic relations among Tok‐Tok beetles (Tenebrionidae: Sepidiini). Cladistics. 38 (6)

  • basal pronotal margination complete
  • prosternal process deflated
  • epipleuron with a distinct groove in median part
  • male setal patch large, covering several ventrites
  • elytral surface covered with microtubercles.

Original description of genus Piesomera and type species P. scabra in:
Solier, A. J. J. 1843. Essai sur les collaptérides de la tribu des Molurites. Imprimerie Royale, Turin, 127 pp. [4 pls.] [extract of Memorie della Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino (2)6

Piesomera brunnea was first described as Pimelia brunnea in:
Olivier. 1775. Entomologie, ou, Histoire naturelle des insectes : avec leurs caractères génériques et spécifiques, leur description, leur synonymie, et leur enluminée Coléoptères 3.
Translated from Latin & French:
Fuscus-testaceous, slightly glabrous, scutellum elongate. Body elongated, slightly shiny, punctate, humped, rufous-testaceous. Head brown, very punctate anteriorly. Thorax sub-oval. Scutellum less wide than the thorax. Abdomen slightly rugose.
This species, more elongated than the previous ones, has a little the appearance of a Blaps. The head is of a darker brown than the rest of the body, it is punctuated at its anterior part more strongly than in its upper and posterior part. The thorax is oval, indented anteriorly. The gibbous elytra are dotted with elevated points, barely discernible, which head towards the apex. The legs are rough and hairy.
It is located at the Cape of Good Hope, from where it was brought by Sonnerat.

Illustrated in:
Oliver. 1808. Entomologie, ou, Histoire naturelle des insectes : avec leurs caractères génériques et spécifiques, leur description, leur synonymie, et leur enluminée Coléoptères 7.

Photo in Kaminski et al. 2022, figure (i, j, k):

Redescription in:
Haag-Rutenberg, G. 1871. Beiträge zur Familie der Tenebrioniden (II. Stück). Coleopterologische Hefte VII
Translated from Latin & German:
Oblong-oval, shiny, chestnut-brown; the thorx is a little wider than long, the sides are rounded, more toward the base narrowed, in front widely cut out, the posterior angles produced, at the base almost straight with rounded corners, distinctly margined throughout, except in front of the scutellum, convex above, loosely punctate, sides slightly rugose; elytra oblong-oval, convex, the margin widened towards the apex, the suture slightly incised, densely granulated above, loosely plicate longitudinally; legs elongated, slender. - Length 20-25 mm, width 11-14 mm.
May be lighter or darker chestnut brown, shiny. Head weakly transversely furrowed, with individual dots. Pronotum slightly wider than long, with greatest width at the front third, gently rounded and narrowed towards the base; Deeply cut out at the anterior margin, with protruding angles, straight at the posterior margin, with clearly offset, rounded corners, the lateral margin is fine, slightly bent up, marginate, the anterior margin and the base have indented marginal lines, which only become somewhat indistinct in front of the scutellum. The upper side is moderately arched, shiny, clearly but loosely dotted on the disc, somewhat more heavily dotted on the sides. The elytra are almost three times as long as the thorax, elongated ovoid, the elytral margin becomes slightly wider towards the tip, and is slightly bent upwards, the suture slightly incised. The elytral surface is longitudinally convex, at the base finely rough punctured, apically granulated and with numerous delicate longitudinal wrinkles and streaks, between which now and then very indistinct longitudinal ribs appear. The underside is shiny, little sculpted, the segments finely streaked.
The variety from the Geneva Museum is light chestnut brown, very shiny and without any trace of longitudinal wrinkles on the elytra, only evenly finely granulated.

iNat observation:

Posted on 26 April, 2024 15:09 by traianbertau traianbertau


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