Onymacris multistriata (Haag-Rutenberg 1875) Shiny Multi-ribbed Kalahari Darkling

A jet black Onymacris with only a narrow yellow edging of the pronotum and without waxy secretions. Pronotum shiny, with only very fine punctures laterally; elytral disc with six or eight distinct costae. Mesotibiae strongly bilaterally compressed, metatibiae extremely broad, scarcely or not narrower than femur.

Original description in:
Haag-Rutenberg, G. J. 1875. Beiträge zur näheren Kenntniss einiger Gruppen aus der Familie der Tenebrioniden. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 19(7): 1-56.

Oval, black, shiny; with the head and thorax almost smooth; elytra ovate, convex, 8-costate, alternate costae more distinct, interstices rugose, with a line of granules, legs elongate, tibiae compressed.

Illustrated (fig. 1f) in:
Lamb, T., & Bond, J. E. 2013. A multilocus perspective on phylogenetic relationships in the Namib darkling beetle genus Onymacris (Tenebrionidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 66(3), 757–765. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2012.10.026

Distribution: Central Kalahari in Namibia and adjacent Northern Cape of South Africa.
Habitat: Vegetated red dunes. Onymacris multistriata lives in sand dunes where it can be seen running from grass tussock to grass tussock in search of food during the day, and take thermal refuge within grass tussocks.

iNat observations:

Key and distribution maps for Onymacris in Penrith 1984:

Posted on 25 April, 2024 13:06 by traianbertau traianbertau


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