Piesomera scabra (Fabricius 1775) - Rough Microtuberculated Toktokkie

Genus Piesomera Solier diagnosis in:
Kaminski et al. 2022. Female terminalia morphology and cladistic relations among Tok‐Tok beetles (Tenebrionidae: Sepidiini). Cladistics. 38 (6)

  • basal pronotal margination complete
  • prosternal process deflated
  • epipleuron with a distinct groove in median part
  • male setal patch large, covering several ventrites
  • elytral surface covered with microtubercles.

The genus was erected by Solier and named for the compressed femora (πιέζω = press or squeeze μηρός = femur).
Original description of genus Piesomera and type species P. scabra in:
Solier, A. J. J. 1843. Essai sur les collaptérides de la tribu des Molurites. Imprimerie Royale, Turin, 127 pp. [4 pls.] [extract of Memorie della Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino (2)6

Piesomera scabra was first described as Pimelia scabra in:
Fabricius, J. C. 1775. Systema entomologicae, systens insectorum classes, ordines, genera, species, adiectis synonymis, locis, descriptionibus, observationibus. Libraria Kortii, Flensburgi et Lipsiae.
Translated from Latin:
Black, scabrous, elytra, antennae and legs brown.
Habitat: Cape of Good Hope
Head black, antennae filiform, brown. Thorax humped, dark, bald, smooth. Elytra dark, with numerous small elevated points, scabrous. Legs all dark brown.

Illustrated in:
Oliver. 1808. Entomologie, ou, Histoire naturelle des insectes : avec leurs caractères génériques et spécifiques, leur description, leur synonymie, et leur enluminée Coléoptères 7.

Photo in Kaminski et al. 2022, figure (h):

Description of genus Piesomera and type species P. scabra in:
Solier, A. J. J. 1843. Essai sur les collaptérides de la tribu des Molurites. Imprimerie Royale, Turin, 127 pp. [4 pls.] [extract of Memorie della Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino (2)6

Redescription in:
Haag-Rutenberg, G. 1871. Beiträge zur Familie der Tenebrioniden (II. Stück). Coleopterologische Hefte VII
Translated from Latin & German:
Oval, black or dark brown, shiny; thorax small, slightly convex, disc almost straight, sometimes on the sides rough; elytra oval, globose, with numerous tubercles especially towards sides lined up; with their femora compressed, legs elongated, and all densely covered with rusty tomentum. - Length 16-19 mm, width 10-12 mm.
Male abdominal segments 1-4 densely covered with gray setal patch, the fourth more obsolete.
A common and well-known species, recognizable by the compressed femora and the elytra, which are almost entirely covered with pointed granulations. Head almost smooth. Pronotum relatively small, slightly wider than long, strongly cut out at the front, straight at the back; greatest width slightly in front of the middle, more narrowed towards the back than towards the front, finely marginate everywhere, indistinct in the middle of the base; the disc is slightly convex, almost smooth, the sides of the pronotum more or less roughly rugose. Scutellum granulated with smooth posterior edge and tip. Elytra ovate, arched, rather steeply sloping, 2.5 times as long as the thorax, densely covered with small pointed, backward-facing tubercles, scutellum area and elytral tip a little smoother and shinier. In many specimens there are also three weak longitudinal ridges between the granulations. Prosternal process extended into two strong angles, epipleura narrow, smooth, deepened in the middle. Segments finely punctured. Legs long, with compressed femora and quite dense gray tomented. Male with broad setal spot over the first four segments, the fourth less densely hairy.
Cape. In all collections.

iNat observations:

Posted on 28 April, 2024 12:14 by traianbertau traianbertau


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