Pompilus cadmius Saussure, 1891

Body almost entirely whitish grey-pubescent; wings almost hyline with dark tip, intercubital vein between SMC 2 and 3 perpendicular; SMC 3 higher than SMC 2.

Original description in:
Saussure, H. L. F. De. 1891. Hymenoptères nouveaux de Madagascar. Mittheilungen der Schweizer entomologischen Gesellschaft 8 (7)
Translated from Latin:
Black, not punctuated, completely cinereous-gray-silky pubescent; clypeus short, transverse; pronotum sub-angulated on both sides, posteriorly posteriorly cut at an angle; mesonotum with 2 furrows; scutellum compressed; postscutellum bimamilar; metanotum rounded, smooth, neither truncated, nor striped; abdomen fusiform; segments gray-silver-bordered; tibial calcars testaceous, the posterior ones the longest; wings hyaline-clouded, the tip brown. [...] Female length 12 - 16 mm.

Illustration in:
Saussure, H. L. F. De. 1892. Histoire physique, naturelle et politique de Madagascar. XX. Histoire naturelles des Hymenopteres.

Redescription (and key) with figures in:
Day, M. C. 1981. A revision of Pompilus Fabricius (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae), with further nomenclatural and biological considerations. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Entomology, volume 42, issue 1, pages 1-42.
Length 6-13 mm. Black; extensively and very uniformly white-pubescent, save black on antennal flagellum and anterior margins of some sterna; postnotum devoid of pubescence. Terminal tarsal segments tending to a brownish colour; calcaria white or stramineous. Wings hyaline or fusco-hyaline, forewings with infuscate tips. With long erect white hairs on temples and adjacent areas of prothorax and fore coxae. Sterna with very few erect black hairs. Face very broad below, narrowed considerably above, less so in Madagascan and South African specimens (Fig. 4). Malar space well developed adjacent to temples, less so adjacent to clypeus. Clypeus approximately 4.0 times as broad as high, margin slightly arcuate; labrum exposed. Temples well developed. Pronotal hind margin angulate, postnotum laterally about half length of centre of postscutellum, considerably narrowed centrally. Propodeum narrow and rounded posteriorly, with distinct dorsal longitudinal impression in midline. Venation of forewing highly characteristic, SMC 3 higher than SMC 2, second intercubital vein perpendicular, stigma large (Fig. 1 7). Sixth tergum with hairs very strongly modified as distinct, contiguous globular scales, obscuring most of dorsal surface of tergum, and also extending onto lateral surface. Fore metatarsus with three comb-spines and two inferior comb-spines. Terminal tarsal segments lack spines beneath except a few extremely minute spines proximally in some specimens.
5-8 mm. Black; extensively and uniformly grey-pubescent, save sometimes dark anteriorly on terga or sterna. With limited erect hair, mostly on temples. Head broad, face broad (Fig. 22), malar space developed. Distal antennal segments usually markedly thickened. Propodeum rounded in profile, narrow behind, with a well-marked median longitudinal sulcus. Wing venation as female. SGP with few erect hairs. Tarsal claws dentate, uniform. Fore metatarsus with two comb-spines and one much shorter inferior comb-spine.

Distribution: Central and southern Africa, Madagascar
Map: https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/2247124#page/42/mode/1up

iNat observations:

Description of junior synonym Psammochares latilabris
in Arnold 1937: https://journals.co.za/doi/pdf/10.10520/AJA00411752_510

Posted on 18 April, 2024 18:57 by traianbertau traianbertau


Thanks Traian!

Posted by alandmanson 6 months ago

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