Somaticus (Clinocranion) spinosus (Solier 1844)

Description and illustrations in:
Koch C. 1955. Monograph of the Tenebrionidae of southern Africa Vol I (Tentyriinae, Molurini Trachynotina: Somaticus Hope). Transvaal Museum Memoir 7.

Head above densely granulated. Eyes with slightly arcuate supra-orbital edge. Pronotum sparsely granulated, with sharply angular to dentiform dilation of sides; lateral carina evanescent behind median dilation. Elytra coarsely punctured, with the primary and dorsal costae each composed of a row of large spines. Pseudopleural margination simple, densely and minutely denticulate.

Black; with sparse, fine and adherent hairs, except for the shiny and bare elytra which, in fresh specimens, have an aenescent sheen and the lateral interval covered with a whitish, waxy, secretory pulverulescence.
Eyes in the male considerably larger than in the female, almost as long as breadth of inter-ocular space anteriorly; the latter concave. Pronotum a little less than twice as broad as long, flattened, dull; anterior margin truncate. Elytra distinctly broader than pronotum, densely and coarsely punctured, between punctures with fine, sharply spinose granules, becoming larger and obsoletely arranged longitudinally on outer half of dorsal interval, very fine and dense on lateral interval. Suture smoothed and faintly raised. Apical declivity with scattered, fine and spiniform granules. Lateral interval (in caudal aspect) distinctly narrower than,dorsal interval. Pseudopleura with fine granules. Abdomen dull, with scattered, round
and setiferous granules, except for the densely punctured anal sternite. Legs very long; femora thin and subparallel. Underside of anterior tibiae with apical brush in both sexes.
Length 12.5 to 18 mm., width 5.5 to 8 mm., height 4.5 to 7 mm.
Type locality: "Cap de Bonne Esperance"
Distribution and habitat: North-Western Cape Province. On open sandy flats, from June to August.

Original description in:
Solier, A.J.J. 1844. Essai sur les collaptérides (suite). 13e Tribu. Molurites. Memorie della Reale Accademia delle scienze di Torino (2)6

iNat observation:

Posted on 10 April, 2024 10:15 by traianbertau traianbertau


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