Genus Eupeodes (Syrphidae, Diptera) in Galicia (NW Spain)

Very difficult genus of hoverflies quite similar to Scaeva (althouth the tergite marks are less curved). In Galicia, there are 4 recorded species, but there are more that have been found nearby.
These are sure:

-E. corollae
-E. latifasciatus
-E. lucasi
-E. luniger

But these (and maybe more) may be present:

-E. bucculatus
-E. flaviceps
-E. nielseni
-E. nuba

Identifying them in situ or by pictures is often not possible, especially for the males, for which genitalia might be necessary. Descriptions for some British species can be found here:
This is a general guide in Dutch:
And this post helps identifying females of the most common species:

Other than genitalia, other useful traits are the color of the face in females, and whether the yellow marks reach the edges of the tergites

Posted on 08 April, 2024 19:30 by antonva antonva


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