Anoplocheilus globosus (Schoch 1897)

Description in:
Péringuey, L. 1907. Descriptive catalogue of the Coleoptera of South Africa (Lucanidae and Scarabaeidae). Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society, 13
Black, the upper side light testaceous, or completely black, opaque in both cases; when the upper part is testaceous the prothorax has three somewhat broad and entire fuscous discoidal bands, the scutellum has a median longitudinal black band, and is edged with black; the elytra are tessellated more or less regularly with fuscous, and the black pygidium is concolorous; this species is somewhat closely allied to A. figuratus, Boh., but it differs in the following points: the teeth of the quadri-dentate clypeus are in a line along the anterior margin, instead of the two median ones projecting considerably from the base beyond the two sub-lateral ones, as in A. figuratus; the prothorax is much more densely pubescent, the pubescence being longer and very flavescent, and the punctures are very much deeper and much more closely set; elytra slightly narrower behind than at the base, pluricostate on the dorsal part, and plainly punctate striate laterally; pygidium irregularly punctate ; sides of abdomen clothed with a moderately dense fulvescent pubescence which is very thick on the pectus; the basal joint of the anterior tarsi is plainly triangular in both sexes, but the upper angle does not project as much as in A. figuratus, in which species the length is, however, very variable. The shape of the genitalia of the male differs considerably in each species.
Length 13.5 - 14.75 mm.; width 8.5 - 9 mm.

Illustrated in:
Distant W. L. 1910. Insecta Transvaaliensia. A contribution to a knowledge of the entomology of South Africa 10

Original description in:
Schoch, G. 1897. Nachtrag V zu Schoch: Die Genera und Species meiner Cetonidensammlung. Mitteilungen Der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft. Lausanne 10(1)

iNat observations:

Posted on 07 April, 2024 09:13 by traianbertau traianbertau


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