Geobaenus lateralis Dejean 1829

A dark Carabid with flavescent legs and a flavescent marginal band on pronotum and elytra.

Original description in:
Dejean, P.F.M.A. 1829. Species général des coléoptères, de la collection de M. le Comte DEJEAN. Tome quatrième.
Translated from Latin:
Oblong-ovate, above black-dark-subaeneus; elytra thinly striated, the third interstitium impressed with three dots; the margin of the thorax and elytra, the antennae and legs testaceous.

Illustrated in:
Dejean 1834. Iconographie et histoire naturelle des coléoptères d'Europe 4.

Redescription in:
Peringuey, L. Descriptive catalogue of the Coleoptera of South Africa. The Coleoptera of South Africa. Part II. Carabidae. Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society, 7
Fuscous, and with a submetallic tinge on the upper side; palpi, antennae, legs, a broad lateral band on the prothorax and one on the elytra reaching from the outer margin to the sixth interval, flavescent; head smooth; prothorax slightly wider on the anterior than on the posterior part, which is not sinuate; posterior angle a little rounded, base sinuate, disk with a narrow median longitudinal groove and two lateral basal impressions, shallow and not punctured; elytra oblongo-ovate, hardly convex, narrowly striate; intervals smooth, the third interval with two punctures on the third stria, the third one in the centre of the interval ; under side fuscous. Length 7-7.5 mm.; width 3 mm.
Hab. Cape Colony (Cape Town, Stellenbosch).

iNat observation:

Posted on 24 March, 2024 14:59 by traianbertau traianbertau


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