Reminder… 2024 CNC Bioblitz

Hi all, still lots of you haven’t signed up for this year’s CNC in April. Here’s the link:

Hoping these two upcoming events will generate some community interest:
I’m doing an event at the Senior Center piggy-backing on a promotional event, Monday Jan 8.
I’m teaching an INaturalist course, 3 classes at the Osher Life Long Learning Institute, Feb-March.

Posted on 06 January, 2024 18:39 by ingolfaskevold ingolfaskevold


Hope to meet you at the Tally Senior Center's Paddling Expo, Jan 8 - 2-5pm. There will be great door prizes: Doug Alderson's new book (signed) on Florida Rivers (beautiful photographs), $100 off any 2024 Paddle Florida trip, and $50 matching discount for a companion; brand new SOT seat, etc. Doug Alderson, retired chief of state of Trails bureau, Florida Department of Environmental Protection, will be there. Janice Hindson, head of Paddle Florida, will be keynote speaker at 2:00.

I'll be there at the Apalachee Canoe and Kayak Club exhibit. ACKC will have a free-bee bin with used, but still serviceable, stuff: 2 PFD's, paddling trails books, cooler packs. Will have photos on Womack Creek flora and fauna, Tate's Hell SF -- 7.5miles up and back paddle -- with some of the most diverse flora of the rivers/creeks/lakes in the Panhandle of Florida. Slow movement of creek makes for easy photographing from canoe, kayak, SUP, SOT (and, in the lower sections, motorized boats). Be glad to share other areas we kayak and post observations on inaturalist. Doug Alderson at the state of Florida Trails exhibit is also another good source to talk to about areas with abundant plant and animal observations in Florida. And also Janice Hindson. Will also have photos taken on paddling trips on all 50 states and 10 Canadian provinces for those who are interested in North America paddles, particularly SW Alberta, south of Calgary to the US border.

Posted by mfeaver 9 months ago

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