Distributional area of Callopistria fimbripes (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) on Inaturalist.

Callopistria fimbripes was first described by Walker, 1885 (https://archive.org/details/listofspecimenso1315brit/page/1773/mode/1up?view=theater). I was unable to find pictures of the species. The species was known from Rio de Janeiro (Walker, 1885) and Rio Grande do Sul (Silva, Specht & Link, 2004).

To improve the knowledge of the species distribution, I compared Inaturalist observations with previously identified pictures of Callopistria fimbripes at same site. The search was made in the brazilian states of Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, Paraná, Mato Grosso do Sul, São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro and Espírito Santo; argentinian provinces of Misiones and Corrientes; and in the countries of Uruguay and Paraguay. Photos of adults previously identified at least in the family Noctuidae was checked. "Research grade" observations was excluded of the search.

It was found 34 observations recognized as Callopistria fimbripes: 3 from Rio Grande do Sul, 2 in Santa Catarina, 19 from Paraná, 6 from Rio de Janeiro and 4 from Misiones.

This can be the first known evidence of C. fimbripes for Santa Catarina, Paraná and Misiones.


Silva, E. J. E., Specht, A. & Link, D. 2004. Noctuídeos (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) do museu entomológico Ceslau Biezanko, departamento de fotossanidade, faculdade de agronomia "Eliseu Maciel", Universidade Federal de Pelotas. Current Agricultural Science and Technology 10 (4): 389-409.

Posted on 11 September, 2023 17:04 by regisrafael regisrafael


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