Trogotorna persecta, an widespread species with low number of identifications.

Trogotorna persecta is the only species described in the genus Trogotorna. The species was described by Hampson 1910. I was unable to find the description and figure but type locality is supposed to be Paraguay ( The species is also known from the brazilian states Rio Grande do Sul (Silva, Specht & Link, 2004) and Rio de Janeiro (Zikán & Zikán, 1968). Also, BOLDSystems site have pictures of T. persecta from Costa Rica and Mexico ( Two extra species appear in BOLDSystems site: Trogotorna beckeri ( and Trogotorna moseri (, the first from Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil and the second from Venezuela and Costa Rica. Despite that, I was unable to find any paper describing this two species.

To improve the knowledge of the species distribution, I compared Inaturalist observations with BOLDSystems pictures of Trogotorna persecta. The search was made in the brazilian states of Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, Paraná, Mato Grosso do Sul, São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro and Espírito Santo; argentinian provinces of Misiones and Corrientes; and in the countries of Uruguay, Paraguay and Bolivia. Photos of adults previously identified at least in the family Noctuidae was checked. "Research grade" observations was excluded of the search.

It was found 10 observations recognized as Trogotorna persecta: 8 from Paraná, 1 from São Paulo and 1 from Rio de Janeiro.

This results can be the first evidence of the species for the brazilian states of Paraná and São Paulo. Many others places from Rio Grande do Sul to Mexico are suspected to also have this species, and more efforts must be done to unveil the real distribution. Some of the identifications can be other species, Lafontaine & Poole 2010 wrote about the genus Trogotorna that "several undescribed species are under study (J. B. Sullivan, pers. comm.). I choosed identify in the species level because I couldn't find any paper describing or comparing the supposed species, but in the light of such papers this observations should be reviewed.


Lafontaine, J. D. & Poole, R. W. 2010. Review of the New World genera of the subfamily Acontiinae (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae). ZooKeys 39: 137-160.

Silva, E. J. E., Specht, A. & Link, D. 2004. Noctuídeos (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) do museu entomológico Ceslau Biezanko, departamento de fotossanidade, faculdade de agronomia "Eliseu Maciel", Universidade Federal de Pelotas. Current Agricultural Science and Technology 10 (4): 389-409.

Zikán, J. F. & Zikán, W. 1968. Inseto-Fauna do Itatiaia e da Mantiqueira. III. Lepidoptera. Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira 3: 45-109.

Posted on 29 August, 2023 16:39 by regisrafael regisrafael


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