April 28 - Doing Well

April is nearly complete. At this point we have doubled the number of Apr 2022 observations. Our observations now span 40 counties. We recorded our first ever Apr observations for Harrison, Holmes, Huron, Mahoning, Noble, and Union Counties.

The only species from Apr 2022 not yet recorded is Aurora Damsel. Common Green Darner has the most records by a wide margin. 15 confirmed species.

We have 2 new county records (Southern Spreadwing in Clermont Co, Swamp Darner in Pickaway Co).

We have 4 new early flight dates (Southern Spreadwing on Apr 11, Familiar Bluet on Apr 18, Red Saddlebags on Apr 19, and Skimming Bluet on Apr 27).

Posted on 29 April, 2023 00:28 by jimlem jimlem


Thanks for the update Jim...will you list out the 15 species seen in April sometime?

Posted by mikeabel over 1 year ago

I've only been out a few times, but have only seen Fragile Forktails in Licking County so far. Disappointing.

Posted by susankamps over 1 year ago

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