Photography Tips for iNaturalist Plant Observations

Today, we have a guest post from Dwight Bohlmeyer on how best to photograph plants for the best chance of getting an identification. Plants (usually) don't run away, so you can take as many pictures as you need.


Photography Tips for iNaturalist Plant Observations

  1. Photograph the entire plant, even if it is a tree or shrub. Photograph the bark as well if it is a large woody plant.
  2. Photograph the leaves. Take a closeup of the leaves both front and back. Small hairs on the surface of the leaf may be diagnostic. The shapes of the leaf margins and the leaf arrangement (e.g. opposite, alternate, whorled etc.) are also important diagnostic tools.
  3. Photograph the stem. Again, the types of hairs, thorns, prickles etc. on the stem may be needed to properly identify the plant.
  4. Photograph the flower from the front and from the side or back. This is particularly important for asters in the sunflower family where the length & shape of the phyllaries are an important diagnostic tool. Be sure to include a size reference as well. Your hand will give identifiers an idea of the size of the bloom. The presence or absence of leafy bracts subtending the flower are important for identifying winecups in the genus

  5. Photograph the fruit when present.

Dwight Bohlmeyer
Guest poster

Posted on 25 April, 2023 01:24 by bruceneville bruceneville


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