Save the Date -- City Nature Challenge April 28-May 1, 2023

The fun returns! Whether you are a veteran of all the previous City Nature Challenges or are not sure what the fuss is about, I hope that you will choose to join in this year; as an observer, identifier or both! At the time of this post, we have 82 days to get ready :)

The challenge is simple - any time between one second after midnight on April 28 to midnight May 1 find an organism living in the wild anyplace within the 'Winnipeg region' boundaries. Take a picture of it. Upload the picture to the iNaturalist database together with where and when you found it... and then repeat with as many different wild organisms as you can find.

Identify your observation to the best of your ability when you upload it. If you know exactly what it is, go ahead and choose that. If you are somewhat unsure, you can choose a more general identification like plants or birds. It is perfectly okay to start with a loose ID at first and then later after consulting with references, choose a more specific one. Some organisms are just tough to figure out at first glance.

You can also participate in identifying organisms observed by others. Contribute identifications where you feel most confident about your knowledge. The computer suggestions can be helpful - but they are not magic. You will still need to compare your organism with the pictures of the suggested one, and check that background info on that species to see if it is a reasonable suggestion. May 2 to May 7 is set aside to concentrate on identifying the event observations - but really there is no time limit.

This year, I invite you to spend at least some of your time on Saturday, April 29th in Birds Hill Provincial Park, documenting the organisms living there. Right now there is no specific timetable. I 'll let you know here in the blog, if that changes.

Looking forward to seeing what we find this year.

Posted on 05 February, 2023 05:28 by marykrieger marykrieger


Can't wait, @marykrieger: we'll be there with bells on! 😊

Posted by woodhaunt over 1 year ago

Great inviting page, @marykrieger : you present an interesting variety of entries from a variety of observers.
Bells on, @woodhaunt and, if it is like last year, rubber boots over snow boots, umbrellas over tuques.
Note there is a Gall Week Spring 2023 project two weeks after, if interested:

Posted by seraphinpoudrier over 1 year ago

Bells on, @woodhaunt and, if it is like last year, rubber boots over snow boots, umbrellas over tuques.
So true @saraphinpoudrier... Last year it was chilly and messy. No fear though: we all know how to dress for it!

(Thanks as well for the Gall Week link!)

Posted by woodhaunt over 1 year ago

Our CNC group will be at the small parking lot on South Drive in Birds Hill Provincial Park at 2pm on Saturday if anyone wants to drop by and say hello. It is on the north side of the drive just before South Drive turns northward towards the east end of the Pine Ridge trail - See you there :)
Mary Krieger

Posted by marykrieger over 1 year ago

Great idea, @marykrieger and CNC group ! Weather should be better than last year.
Will do my best to be there, but family things are planned too.
Was able to combine family duty today with time at the Living Prairie Museum to collect observations for Water, mud, snow… just like CNC 2022. Good memories.
Have fun ! And thanks for doing this.

Posted by seraphinpoudrier over 1 year ago

no worries @seraphinpoudrier - Family comes first :) happy to see you then if it works out for you!

Posted by marykrieger over 1 year ago

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