View specific life stages of a taxon

I added this to the list of iNat tips & tricks on my profile page.

Larvae: Go to the observations of the species of interest and paste this code at the end of the URL: &term_id=1&term_value_id=6.

Monarch larvae for example:

Pupae: &term_id=1&term_value_id=4

Eggs: &term_id=1&term_value_id=7

You can get these sorts of URL add-ons by going to the Identify modal first and filtering for the parameters of interest.

Posted on 28 May, 2022 15:01 by pfau_tarleton pfau_tarleton


Thanks for the tips

Posted by lappelbaum about 2 years ago

So helpful! Thanks, Russell!

Posted by annikaml about 2 years ago

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