VEGMAPhoto (s Afr) Project progress report

Dear VEGMappers

We are happy to report that together we have effectively collected landscape images in 164 of our 459 vegetation types thus far! [That’s an additional 84 vegetation types on the map since our last post], and over 1300 observations uploaded by 150 observers and identifiers. Thank you for the excellent support!
The aim of the VEGMAP Project ( is to acquire and update our knowledge of the distribution of the mapped vegetation, landscape features, and the threat status of each vegetation type. Through the VEGMAPhoto subproject we hope to co-create a visual guide showing a range of communities in each of our vegetation types.

You can take a look at the map below showing the distribution of observations in this project. Vegetation types in darker green have more images while white spaces indicate types that have not yet been tagged in this project.

Keep up with the active progress, we still have 295 more vegetation types to represent!
Kindly share those holiday snaps of landscape views and scenery, and tag VEGMAPhoto (s Afr).

VEGMappers, we appreciate your input regarding App improvements, and vegetation types that are not yet available for tagging, we are working on getting better. We also acknowledge your patience and cooperation while the curators are working on your observations populating required information.

Remember, if you have images with GPS co-ordinates that you would like to share with the project, email us at and we will assist you by uploading them for you.

Until our next update, Happy iNatting Naturalists!
Sam Msweli on behalf of the VEGMAP team 😊

Posted on 23 December, 2021 13:56 by sam_ms sam_ms


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