Nov 28 ID Event - Bathroom Moth Fly

We're happy to announce another online meeting next week! Here are the details:

The Zoom meeting will open at 4 PM EST on Sunday the 28th.

The plan is to focus on observations of the Bathroom Moth Fly (Clogmia albipunctata). We'll spend most of the time individually going through observations while discussing questions and interesting observations.

Join the Zoom Meeting here:

Meeting ID: 874 5687 3015

Passcode: diptera

You can leave a comment either to let us know if you're planning to come or to subscribe to be notified of future events! Questions are also welcome.

Guides to use at our meeting:
Notes for the Psychodidae of the US & Canada

What we'll be identifying:,6712&taxon_id=247953&without_ident_user_id=zdanko

Please watch this video prior to joining the meeting so that you are prepared to participate:

(You can open the video in a new tab by clicking on the YouTube icon.)
Addition to the video: Clogmia albipunctata always holds both wings flat in a single plane, and doesn't have such long hairs on the margin of the wing as some other genera in the family.

Posted on 24 November, 2021 02:58 by zdanko zdanko


@rodolfosalinas you might also be interested in attending this?

Posted by zdanko almost 3 years ago

I'll be there! I've never gotten a close look, but I think this species or something related to it likes my compost bin.

Posted by swampass almost 3 years ago


Posted by zdanko almost 3 years ago

Fun fact: although practically in every building (at least in cities), this species was until recently missing from the Austrian species list - nobody cared to mention its occurrence 😆

Posted by carnifex almost 3 years ago

Thanks @zdanko , I'd be glad to join you. You should know that I'm no expert in classifying bathroom moth flies, however, I've been learning a bit lately in different ways, on one hand thanks to your suggestions and on the other by observing particular traits for each of the species found and searching for each of them. I'm looking forward to learn more about it in this kind of meetings.

Posted by rodolfosalinas almost 3 years ago

I've added this one to my calendar!

Posted by scotiaspinner almost 3 years ago

I assumed so, Rodolfo, no worries, we're always learning!

That's really interesting, Lorin, I wonder what other really common species there are that are somewhat undocumented! There is so much research to be done.

Excited for you to join, Claire!

Posted by zdanko almost 3 years ago

Just from the top identifiers leaderboard, wondering if @thebirdnerd might be interested? Also it would be awesome to have @victorengel come!

Posted by zdanko almost 3 years ago

I'm guessing the time should be 4PM EST. EDT is a northern hemisphere timezone that is currently not in effect anywhere. More relevantly, it is not in effect on the date in question.

Posted by victorengel almost 3 years ago

You're right! Thank you for that correction. EDT is in use from the second Sunday in March to the first Sunday in November.

Posted by zdanko almost 3 years ago

Nice video, Zachary! I'd also add that good ways to rule out Clogmia albipunctata as the ID for the examples you gave of Setomima and Psychoda is that Clogmia albipunctata always holds both wings flat in a single plane, and doesn't have such long hairs on the margin of the wing. The wing posture is already mentioned in the slide you prepared.

Posted by edanko almost 3 years ago

Yep, good point!

Posted by zdanko almost 3 years ago

@sbushes interested?

Posted by zdanko almost 3 years ago

I would love to attend but need to work through a scheduling conflict. Thanks for putting this together!

Posted by ellendale almost 3 years ago

No worries, even if you can't come to the meeting, I hope the video is still helpful!

Posted by zdanko almost 3 years ago

Sounds great. I plan to attend.

Posted by amyjaecker-jones almost 3 years ago

15 minute reminder!

Posted by zdanko almost 3 years ago

I was going to attend, but I had to instead attend to a plumbing issue.

Posted by victorengel almost 3 years ago

No worries, we do these weekly for all sorts of flies, so come next week!

Posted by zdanko almost 3 years ago

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