Menard County spider description and analysis

Based on 3 females, one with egg sac, believed to be Pardosa vadosa based primarily on range. The species are said to be light in color which may be due to the overall covering of pale creamy hairs on these individuals.

Links to my observations:

A probable juvenile from Utah:

Found in a similar habitat to P. mercurialis which is common farther east in Texas at least as far as the Brazos River and apparently the only lapidicina group species present. As can be seen below, there are enough differences in general appearance, especially ventrally, to conclude that they are different from mercurialis.

Length/width = 1.15. (same as mercurialis iNat 92392407)
Posterior eyes form trapezoid, base wider than tall (ratio 1.5 same as mercurialis iNat 92392407).
The area in between is black on the exoskeleton. (mercurialis same)
Posterior medial eyes wider than anterior eyes. (mercurialis same)
Posterior eye are more or less bordered with orange. (same as some mercurialis)
Thorax evenly covered with pale, creamy hairs. (same as some mercurialis but color varies in hue)
Border of thorax as mercurialis and lapidicina.
Hairless back of thorax yellowish, darkened especially at lateral black bands. (tends to be more irregular on mercurialis)
Thoracic furrow only visible on exoskeleton. (usually visible on mercurialis)
Even row of white hairs guarding connection of thorax and abdomen. (tends to be in tufts on mercurialis)
Medial band ovoid, yellowish in front containing 4 brown spots at edge of cardiac area;
the front of this area has a reddish hue on one individual;
remainder of cardiac area light brown edged in dark brown; wine glass shaped;
yellowish tan patches at sides of bowl; pale yellow-cream below bowl;
series of 4 pairs of yellow circles with dark brown centers begin above base and converge
toward back of abdomen; each pair is underlined by a pale yellow-cream chevron;
the base of the cardiac border is directly in front of the 1st chevron.
(on mercurialis ovoid shape not apparent, 4 pairs of circles present but unclear on mercurialis, not yellow;
outline of cardiac area dotted rather than solid))
Chevrons marked with continous lines rather than triplets of pale patches like mercurialis.
Irregular dark brown marks begin at the lower corners of the bowl extend backwards and outwards
ending in barbs which point back at the centers of the first pair of yellow circles.
(dark areas indistinct and shaped differently on mercurialis)
A pair of dark brown patches connect the ends of the 2nd and 3rd chevron. (also present on mercurialis)
These are prominent on the exoskeleton.
Sides of abdomen paler than top.
Boldly annulated with 2 less distinct rings mid femur; distal tips of femur, tibia, and tarsus dark;
proximal half of patella slightly darker; 2 bold rings proximal end and mid tibia;
2 rings proximal end and mid tarsus; general appearance of 8 rings.
Dorsal trochanters consistently yellow with thin orange border;
yellow area containing two bullet shaped black patches.
(mercurialis similar but patches are dart shaped and extend to the orange border)
Tarsi burnt orange with black tips. (mercrialis same)

Sternum black with numerous long, pale cream hairs; coxae similar but generally lighter. (mercurialis similar)
Covered with short pale and occasionally dark hairs.
Area in front of genital furrow covered with pale cream to yellowish hairs.
Remainder has a rosy hue becoming orange then yellow at back; area below spineret very dark brown;
hues extends up to the middle of the abdomen. (hues absent on mercurialis)
(for mercurialis, entire abdomen has white hairs covering a yellow exoskeleton except that in the genital area
the exoskeleton is darker; the rosy to orange hue is absent, and the area around the spinneret is yellow)
Mostly gray to black with yellow in between consitent with dorsal rings.
Underside of femora almost entirely dark gray with lighter hairs except for yellow patch with
black border at distal end; very short hairless area at proximal end also yellow.
An additional yellow patch about 2/3rds of the way down the femur I, II, and III but not femur IV;
some of these yellow patches may be from wear.
Underside of metatarsi and tarsi pale orange.
Underside of pedipalps mostly pale yellowish; distal segment is orange with dark tip.
(for mercurialis, underside of femora, trochanters, and coxae, have consistently white hairs covering a yellow
exoskeleton; and in general the underside is paler)
Very dark brown. (orangish brown on mercurialis)

Note: the female with the egg sac had a lot more dark orange exoskeleton showing. Apparently much of the hair which was
nearly white had been lost. As a result, much of the exoskeleton pattern is visible including the dark brown thoracic furrow.
This made it easier to compare with preserved specimens. P. mercurialis doesn't appear to be affected by hair loss.

Posted on 28 September, 2021 16:22 by eaneubauer eaneubauer


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