Solidago - tipping the jigsaw out of the box

Here's the list of goldenrods that we would like to be able to identify that occur in Manitoba and/or Saskatchewan and/or North Dakota



  • Subsection Triplinerviae

    • Species Solidago gigantea (MB/SK/ND)
      -- Variety Solidago gigantea var. gigantea (MB)
      -- Variety Solidago gigantea var. shinnersii (MB/SK)

    • Species Solidago canadensis (MB/SK/ND)
      -- Variety Solidago canadensis var. canadensis (MB/SK)

    • Species Solidago altissima (MB/SK/ND)
      -- Variety Solidago altissima var. altissima (MB/SK)
      -- Variety Solidago altissima var. gilvocanescens (MB/SK)

    • Species Solidago lepida (MB/SK)
      -- Variety Solidago lepida var. salebrosa (MB/SK)
      -- Variety Solidago lepida var. lepida (MB/SK)

  • Subsection Glomeruliflorae

  • Subsection Squarrosae

  • Subsection Junceae

  • Subsection Solidago

  • Subsection Nemorales

    • Species Solidago nemoralis (MB/SK/ND)
      -- Subspecies Solidago nemoralis subsp. decemflora (MB/SK)
      -- Subspecies Solidago nemoralis subsp. nemoralis (MB)

    • Species Solidago mollis (MB/SK/ND)

  • Subsection Maritimae

  • Subsection Humiles

  • Section Ptarmicoidei

  • hybrids

    • Species Solidago ×lutescens (MB/SK) aka Oligoneuron x lutescens
    • Species Solidago ×bernardii (MB) aka Oligoneuron x bernardii

  • Posted on 30 August, 2021 03:03 by marykrieger marykrieger


    @megnd well here's our targets
    I feel confident identifying Solidago ptarmicoides, Solidago rigida, Euthamia graminifolia but that still leaves a lot of unknowns on the table

    i see ND has eleven species...MB has 15 and SK has 12

    Posted by marykrieger about 3 years ago

    You are tremendously brave to tackle the Solidago! :) I love these plants, but the ID's and keys are -- nightmare fuel! ;)

    Posted by sambiology about 3 years ago

    I can Identify rigida

    Posted by megnd about 3 years ago
    Posted by megnd about 3 years ago

    I have started a key for goldenrods about 7 times so far. It is a case of the more you learn, the more you need to learn. I am trying to come up with a more visual, less technical key for Ids of photos of goldenrods. Something to do this winter. 🤔😣🤩

    Posted by e16 about 3 years ago

    @e16 i think i am thinking that to start with what images to include in the observation to help identifiers - and identifying what key features identifiers are using (or could be using) to clinch an id

    Posted by marykrieger about 3 years ago

    1 - Location

    2 - Time of year

    For every plant clear and up close pictures of the following are preferred
    Leaf front and back
    Leaf attachment
    Stem up close
    Base of stem (at soil)
    Other close-ups that can help. Bugs and galls on the plant, diseases, roots, Other?

    also a wide shot of the plant in place

    Look for leaf type (compound, simple. etc), attachment (opposite-alternate)(sessile, clasping, etc.), Vein pattern, Margin
    Hair- stem (pubescent, sparse, absent, inrows, etc), leaf front and back (pubescent, hair in rows, hair on veins, hair on margins, etc)
    Overall shape, height and habit of stem and flowers.

    From this, Identifying the subsection is an accomplishment. I get stuck with the wide variability within a species that often prevents getting to the subsection. I don't currently know how many keys must be confirmed to positively ID all goldenrods. Somebody has probably already done the stats of that.

    [My guess is 6 keys because as we all know, 7 keys always ends with Kevin Bacon. (That's a joke) 😁]

    @lysandra has been very helpful with plants in this region.

    Posted by e16 about 3 years ago

    spent some time filling in 'flowering' phenology across the three focus areas (MB/SK/ND) - still aways to go to catchup with the back log :)

    Posted by marykrieger about 3 years ago

    Thanks for looking at this! I will start using Triplinerviae to identify unidentifiable 'Solidago canadensis' photos. This is a difficult group to aid with on iNat.

    Posted by lysandra about 3 years ago

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