So, I had a list of places where I wanted to go iNatting this summer in NYC. I managed to cross them all of my list, or nearly all of them. This despite a lot of ongoing pain in my left foot which limits how much walking I can do each day.
Governors Island -- a superb destination -- I want to go back there several times more.
Roosevelt Island -- I got to Southpoint Park yesterday. Nothing very surprising, but interesting.
Rockaway Beach via the ferry from Wall Street -- really great -- I had a lovely time and found a number of new things.
These visits were in addition to my usual, less ambitious, destinations:
Randall's Island Park
Carl Schurz Park
Central Park at 106th Street -- the Harlem Meer, the Conservatory Garden and "Insect Hill"
Central Park at 102nd Street -- the Butterfly Gardens
Central Park at 79th Street -- the Shakespeare Garden -- I did not yet see the rabbits which Iive there.
I also hope to get back one more time to Soundview Park in the Bronx, via the ferry, before the end of summer (Sept 21st). The "Soundview" ferry stop is actually in Clason Park, not Soundview Park, which is two or three miles further north. I will attempt to take the local bus up to there the next time I go.
So, all in all I am very happy with the iNatting I have done this summer. I also got to meet fellow iNatter @zitserm, in a two-person meetup on Randall's Island, an outing which was very helpful and very interesting.
Gall on common mugwort stem.
I had to pull a leaf off to make the gall visible, so that is why you see damage.
More info on this kind of gall:
Feeding on a piece of dried fruit ( maybe a chunk of date?) that was in the fancy bird food.
@susanhewitt It was indeed a lot of fun to go exploring Randalls Island with you! Thanks for showing me so many new things! Since our outing, I have been observing a lot more insects, and also noticing and seeking out more of the "weedy" plants that tend to be overlooked. Looking forward to exploring nature together again soon!
Yes Misha, let's go out again as soon as it is convenient for both of us!
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