215- Rare Birding Breeding Swifts Ornithological

Sussex Ornithological Society

  1. Mark Mallalieu talks about the unexpectedly rich bird migration that can be observed and studied in the centre of Kabul.
  2. A taste of honey: an introduction to the Honey-buzzard

    A taste of honey: an introduction to the Honey-buzzard

  3. The important work of the Rare Breeding Birds Panel and how you can contribute through your own field work. By the Panel's Secretary, Dr Mark Eaton.Monitoring rare breeding birds in the UK

    The important work of the Rare Breeding Birds Panel and how you can contribute through your own field work. By the Panel's Secretary, Dr Mark Eaton.

  4. The most important wildlife site in Sussex........?
    An expert account of the successful efforts to conserve wildlife-rich areas of the Arun valley in West Sussex, with a focus on their nationally important birds. By Jim Glover, an ecologist who spent many years with the RSPB managing and creating nature reserves in the south-east of England.

    An expert account of the successful efforts to conserve wildlife-rich areas of the Arun valley in West Sussex, with a focus on their nationally important birds. By Jim Glover, an ecologist who spent many years with the RSPB managing and creating nature reserves in the south-east of England.

  5. Forest of the Golden Monkey (Full Episode) | China's Hidden Kingdoms
    Meet China's most affectionate and vocal monkeys in the remote, seasonal forests of Central China. Follow the journey of a baby Golden snub-nosed monkey during the first year of her life as she learns all about her forest home and battles the elements to survive.

    Forest of the Golden Monkey (Full Episode) | China's Hidden Kingdoms

  6. Local conservation in action. Mike Russell tells the story of Henfield Birdwatch, the award-winning society studying and helping to protect birds in and around a Sussex village, set in a historical context.

    Local conservation in action. Mike Russell tells the story of Henfield Birdwatch, the award-winning society studying and helping to protect birds in and around a Sussex village, set in a historical context.

  7. SOS Conference 2021 day 2
    Mya Bambrick talks about the work of the Cameron Bespolka Trust to enthuse young people in nature.
    SOS Conference 2021 day 2

  8. Saving Sussex's Swifts An inspiring talk by SOS Swift Champion David Campbell that will tell you all you need to know about how to create new nest sites for Swifts and how to get your local community involved.

    An inspiring talk by SOS Swift Champion David Campbell that will tell you all you need to know about how to create new nest sites for Swifts and how to get your local community involved.
    Saving Sussex's Swifts

  9. Wild New Forest Marcus Ward, co-founder of Wild New Forest, shares his deep knowledge of some of the birds of this beautiful area.

    Marcus Ward, co-founder of Wild New Forest, shares his deep knowledge of some of the birds of this beautiful area.
    Wild New Forest

  10. Autumn Bird Migration in Sussex Matt Eade talks about the delights of autumn bird migration in Sussex, illustrated with superb photos.

    Matt Eade talks about the delights of autumn bird migration in Sussex, illustrated with superb photos.
    Autumn Bird Migration in Sussex

  11. SOS Conference 2021 day 1
    SOS Conference 2021 day 1

    These are the first two talks from the Sussex Ornithological Society's 2021 Conference. Samantha Franks from the BTO talks about the declining fortunes of the UK's Curlews and the work that is being undertaken to conserve them. Then Simon Tonkin and Niki Williamson from Inglorious Bustards share the spectacle of bird migration at the Straits of Gibraltar.

  12. De veldgids ecologisch bermbeheer biedt hiervoor handvatten. Het is geen naslagwerk waar alles in staat, maar een gidsje op zakformaat dat in veel situaties een advies biedt. Het geeft inzicht in een aantal plantensoorten met indicatorwaarde voor een bepaald vegetatietype of juist verruiging. Voor- en nadelen van verschillende beheermethoden komen eveneens aan bod. We bieden een beslisschema voor het bepalen van het aantal maaibeurten in een jaar en de globale maaimomenten. Tenslotte worden een aantal 'Wat als'-situaties voorzien van advies. Denk hierbij aan de omgang met invasieve exoten of het zonder afspraken maaien van bermen door bewoners.
    Mijn Berm Bloeit!
    Met het uitbrengen van de veldgids ecologisch bermbeheer komt er een einde aan de campagne Mijn Berm Bloeit! We blijven het monitoren van bermen echter ondersteunen en het invoerportaal onderhouden https://utrecht.knnv.nl/pwg-documenten-2021-2/



    The annual publication “The State of Birds in Switzerland” (in English, French, German and Italian) summarises the results of various monitoring projects, conducted with the support of more than 2,000 volunteers in all parts of the country. The 2021 report focuses on EBBA2 and its implications for Switzerland. It also takes a closer look at trends in scarce breeding birds like Western Yellow Wagtail, rare passage migrants such as Glossy Ibis, and local winter visitors such as Whooper Swan. You can also explore interactive graphics from the Swiss Bird Index SBI® and the breeding bird index for each species until 2020

    Posted on 29 July, 2021 20:45 by ahospers ahospers


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