This Weekend Was So Wonderfully Green

And, you know, with many interesting organisms among the green. Point of interest: the Nexus 5X takes fine panoramas, but the interface is a bit horrible, like using a point-and-shoot in 2007 or something. Dear Google (or LG), the panorama has been solved. Go try an iPhone. Or a Motorola.

Posted on 01 February, 2016 07:44 by kueda kueda


Shoot. The images aren't showing up on my computer (using firefox)... :( I can only imagine the green then.

Posted by sambiology over 8 years ago

They aren't showing up on my Chrome browser either.

Posted by torres-grant over 8 years ago

Ugh, I though Google might figure out a way to screw that up. Fixed.

Posted by kueda over 8 years ago

Great panos & gorgeous green!

Posted by torres-grant over 8 years ago

Ooooooo. :) Now I can see them too.

Posted by sambiology over 8 years ago

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