Checking in

It has been a slow fungal spring so far, which is typical. Rain is possible over the next few days so things might perk up, but things don't really get going until late June/early July (with enough rain).

In the rush of April happenings I failed to properly call out the work of Hannah Kingsley-Ma, who wrote the very fine New York Times article A Cemetery's Big Secret: Lots of Weird Mushrooms which highlights our project and is responsible for bringing in new members and just great general publicity for Green-Wood. Hannah is also a project member and Green-Wood neighbor. She has done lots of other interesting writing and producing which you can check out on

Finally, it seems the slime molds are starting to appear. They are always a fun surprise. Nice dialog in this observation: (

Posted on 25 May, 2021 21:47 by pcpalmer3 pcpalmer3


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