Distinguishing Bombus impatiens, bimaculatus, & griseocollis

This is the second part of the ID-a-thon bee presentation. Re-done in google slides, looks a lot better, will update the others in the series in this format.


Posted on 20 May, 2021 01:51 by neylon neylon


Thank you! This level of detail is so helpful.

Posted by sarahwilson1 over 3 years ago

Thanks for checking it out.
I just noticed that google drive screwed up the layout I had, I'll try to fix that today.

Posted by neylon over 3 years ago

This is fantastic! And very helpful. I need to look for the first post now. Thank you so much for sharing this information. Cheers chd

Posted by chdonati over 3 years ago

Even though as a west coaster I'm likely to be dealing with different species, I am still finding these documents very valuable in demonstrating the types of fieldmarks to look for and examples of how to identify them on images. I find the comparative images extremely useful in this regard. Thanks so much for taking the time to create such an informative series of documents!

Posted by wildnettle over 3 years ago

I just re-did the the entry in google slides, it looks a lot better then it did.

Posted by neylon almost 3 years ago


Posted by chdonati almost 3 years ago

Looks fantastic!

Posted by wildnettle almost 3 years ago

Thank you , It's now linked to my reference list and will be guiding me in the coming season.

Posted by louc33 over 2 years ago

Wickedly, totally awesome guide. But do you know how many photos I have to go back through now?

Posted by contrarianvulgarian over 2 years ago

Joel, thank you for the great guides you have put together on Bombus spp. They are very informative and helpful to those of use learning how to identify bees in the field.

Posted by psking over 2 years ago

Excellent guide! Thanks so much for sharing this.

Posted by scoutingforplants over 2 years ago

Excellent! Now I know what details to try to capture when photographing Bombus to get a positive ID.

Posted by mnerrie over 2 years ago

Excellent tutorial! Thanks for taking the time to help others learn the differences among these bumblebees!

Posted by zitserm over 2 years ago

I'm so glad this resource exists! All my field guide uses to distinguish B. impatiens and B. bimaculatus are the spots on T2. But then you IDed some of my bee observations as bimaculatus without me even having a decent view of the abdomen!
I have a question though. On the slide titled "Scutum (cont.) B griseocollis", the pictures all have large black spots on their scutum, but you state before that that they only have a small black spot. Are those pictures of impatiens or bimaculatus instead?

Posted by spellecchias over 2 years ago

@spellecchias The left and middle pictures on that page are griseocollis males which can look a little different from the females. I should probably note that on the page. Thanks

Posted by neylon over 2 years ago

Good to know, thanks!

Posted by spellecchias over 2 years ago

Superb reference information and supporting images. Thanks so much!!

Posted by deanthompson 11 months ago

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