11 days, Ferndale 14PA00 and Ticks

Ferndale 14PA00 is located in the RM of Macdonald. The La Salle River flows from the northwest to southeast through the northern part of the square. The square is divided by mile road grids and drainage ditches. Agriculture dominates the land use in this square.

At the time of posting, 5 observations of 4 species had been uploaded by 3 observers. The survey for the Breeding Bird Atlas of Manitoba confirmed 5 bird species nesting here, with another 44 species probable or possible. Here's the full list.

Manitoba has two tick species that we should all be able to identify accurately: American dog tick (Dermacentor variabilis) which we know here as the wood tick and Eastern Black-legged Tick (Ixodes scapularis) which we sometimes call the deer tick. The wood tick is more commonly seen and its bites can be very annoying. The much smaller deer tick is a known vector of several tick borne diseases including Lyme disease.

Wood ticks...

Black-Legged ticks...

There is now a national project to report ticks - eTick. It also has a mobile app for use when you are out and about. At the time of posting, most of the observations are from the eastern part of Canada - a situation reflecting more the location of eTick users rather than the locations of ticks. Manitoba has recently joined the the project as a partner.

Mary Kennedy (@mkkennedy ) has set up a project called Ticks in the Maritimes Her journal posts there give details for adding tick observations to both iNaturalist and to eTick. She encourages us all to support the eTick project - by entering data to the eTick project as well as with data entered in iNaturalist. eTick has created a helpful video demonstrating exactly how to take a photograph of a tick with a smart phone. There is interest in images of ticks from anywhere in Canada taken at any point.


Posted on 18 April, 2021 14:15 by marykrieger marykrieger


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