13 days, Saint Adolphe 14PA340 and what about those fish

La Salle 14PA20 is located in the RM of Macdonald. The La Salle River flows from the west to east through the square by the town of La Salle. The square is divided by mile road grids and drainage ditches. Agriculture dominates the land use in this square.

At the time of posting, 25 observations had been uploaded by 9 observers, led by @ellyne . 20 species are represented including 10 plants and 5 birds. The survey for the Breeding Bird Atlas of Manitoba confirmed 26 bird species nesting here, with another 44 species probable or possible. Here's the full list.

The self-directed nature of iNat observations produces some interesting results. When I first started looking at the data back in 2016, I was surprised to see how few observations there were of trees in areas which I knew to be forested. I realized then that every observer has their own unique approach to deciding which organisms to observe. And just as importantly, I realized that every approach is valid.

The strength of allowing people to decide exactly what and when they want to add observations means everyone has the ability to contribute something unique. The more people observing, the more viewpoints are represented and the more interesting the whole data set becomes.

Living near Lockport, I am keenly aware of the enthusiasm of Manitobans to fish in almost every type of weather at every time of year. When I looked at the numbers of observation of fish there seemed to be a mismatch - of the nearly 40,000 observations in the Red River Valley region, only 79 are fish. What an opportunity I thought for CNC observers to make a difference. (All you real fisher people are now realizing how much I know about fishing)

I checked into the Fishing Guide and soon saw a big problem with my great idea - in the southern division the fishing season is closed from April 5th, 2021 to and including May 14, 2021. The reason is of course that it is spawning season. So no fishing, but not necessarily no observing. Several species of fish in Manitoba move from the large lakes and rivers into the upstream tributaries to spawn. This can make them easier to photograph from the bank. Any fish remains left by a passing mink or otter are also valid to qualify as observations. Despite the challenges, I hope that between us all we will be able to observe at least one fish during the survey period.

Happy snow melt!

Posted on 16 April, 2021 13:30 by marykrieger marykrieger


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