29 days - a closer look at Oak Bluff 14PA21

Oak Bluff 14PA21 is shared by the City of Winnipeg and the neighbouring RM of Macdonald and RM of Ritchot. The square is dominated by agricultural use, generally flat topography with constructed ditches and drainage channels. Whyte Ridge, Waverley West and Oak Bluff are located here. The square includes the most southern part of FortWhyte Alive.

At the time of posting, 240 observations had been uploaded by 68 observers led by @ericjols . 151 species have been identified so far--plants (57 species) in the lead, with birds (52) next in line. The most frequently observed organism is the Painted turtle (12) followed by Mallard, Canada Goose and Whitetail Deer, each with 6. A good base has been laid but plenty of room here for adding species - as well as more observations of species identified here already.

iNaturalist checklists can be used to help give an idea of what species are found in a particular location - here is the checklist for Manitoba. At the time of posting, 2829 species of 8284 possible species are listed as confirmed - that is there is at least one observation of the species in Manitoba that is research grade.

When you are using the Compare feature on the website, you can switch the list to checklist and the territory to Manitoba so that the organisms that you are comparing your observation to are the ones thought to be resident here.

As the number of of observations in Canada overall is still quite low compared to the number of observations from the United States, the computer vision suggestions can sometime be tilted towards species that look similar to ones that are found here but that only occur much further south. Comparing to the checklist can help you identify when you are proposing an identification that is of a species that is not yet known from Manitoba. You can then take extra care to check the field marks for your observation.

Happy exploring!

Posted on 31 March, 2021 14:02 by marykrieger marykrieger


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