September 22, 2020 Triunfo Creek Park

Since it was supposed to be cooler I thought I'd stop by Triunfo Creek Park. This area is great in the spring for wildflowers..if we have rain. But it has been a dry year and it was reflected in the habitat. I was hoping to see some migrant birds including warblers but I didn't see a one. Granted it was warm and not early in the morning when most birds are active. I did hear one white crowned sparrow singing but this place usually attracts a lot of sparrows and it was pretty dead.

However, I did find a couple of cool things. Probably the best find was a Mexican Amberwing dragonfly. It's a migrant so is sometimes seen in the area but I've yet to have one land for a photo. And I haven't really seen them that often. So that was a treat. In addition, one of the valley oaks had a lot of honeydew galls and those were attracting a lot of insects.

Another cool find was this really interesting looking insect that is a dazzling red. Unfortunately I couldn't get a super sharp shot of it as it was very small and not sitting still. Finally, it was my second day in a row of finding new white checkered skippers who seem to be all coming out around the same time.

Posted on 23 September, 2020 01:15 by naturephotosuze naturephotosuze


Photos / Sounds




September 22, 2020 12:17 PM PDT


Triunfo Canyon
Definitely one of the coolest bugs I've seen...unfortunately, he was very small and moving fast so I couldn't get a great photo of him

Photos / Sounds


Mexican Amberwing (Perithemis intensa)




September 22, 2020 10:55 AM PDT


Triunfo Canyon

Photos / Sounds


White Checkered-Skipper (Burnsius albezens)




September 22, 2020 10:58 AM PDT


Triunfo Canyon
Saw a couple of these at least


check out the ovipositor on that unknown red/black insect! A wasp of some kind?

Posted by scubabruin about 4 years ago

I know, isn’t that crazy!

Posted by naturephotosuze about 4 years ago

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