We are now five days into the month of August. The temperatures are finally sloping downward and it seems the hawks are liking it too. There are now 140 observations and we tagged on two new species sighted for the project. I got a Peregrine Falcon a couple days in southeastern Oregon and a Barn Owl was photographed in La Grande. Guess I got to see try and find them, along with a Long-eared Owl that might be in the area.
This week's observation of the week goes to @webarranch for an excellent photograph of two nestling Ospreys in Ellensburg. You can tell juvenile osprey from adults by the spotted wings. Though naturally they nest on top of dead trees, artificial platforms have given them the spots necessary for a population rebound. You can see the photo here.
Keep looking out for raptors! There are many there waiting to be photographed. Good luck!
Thank you birdwhisperer! Yesterday I had 5 Swainson's hawks fly low over our house, loudly screaming at each other--adults and 3 juveniles. They were headed for the fields across the road where the timothy hay was being cut which yields many voles, grasshoppers and other insects.
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