Spring Butterflies

Everyone is jazzed about butterflies this time of year, and for good reason! Some of Southern Ontario's prettiest butterfly species are out already. Learn about a few butterflies you might see from iNaturalist or other resources like www.ontariobutterflies.ca,
Then share what you see on hikes or close to home! Tip: Try using binoculars to get a closer look at butterflies before they flutter off. If you lose track of one, wait for a few minutes, as individuals will often circle back to revisit the same flower sources again soon.

Spring Azure
This is one of the Blues, many of which form mutualistic relationships with ants that protect caterpillars in exchange for sweet excretions.

Cabbage White
Lay their eggs on plants in the mustard family, may visit dandelions.

Mourning Cloak
Adults can live up to 10 months! The ones you see now may appear ragged because the individuals overwinter as adults.

More butterfly info can be found in: The Butterfly Book, An Easy Guide to Butterfly Gardening, Identification, and Behavior, by Donald and Lillian Stokes/Ernest Williams. Little, Brown, and Company, Toronto. 1991.

Posted on 28 May, 2020 21:19 by ecospark ecospark


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