Baby chipmunks and Baltimore orioles oh my!!!

I would have posted this sooner but this past weekend and the beginning of this week was crazy, yesterday being my 18th birthday and all. On Sunday I went to my grandparents property in Townsend. They had been concerned that the Eastern phoebes that have been nesting on their shed for years were killed by a falcon that had visited the yard a couple days before and were concerned that the chicks were not being cared for. As soon as I heard the news I imediately planned to come visit to make sure both parents were alive. Luckily everything was fine and the lovely couple were still living and caring for their young. As I was there I explored their woods which are full of oak, pine, hemlock, birch and maple. Princess pine and canada mayflowers covered the ground along with rasberry vines whose thorns pricked at my legs. Also along the path sprung many a fern although I wasn't sure of the kinds but I think there were some ostrich ferns. There were peepers singing and the babbling of the brook was very peaceful. There were chipping sparrows in the apple trees by the shed and a Baltimore oriole in the crabapple tree in the field. The Eastern phoebes were busy catching all the black flies that swarmed around me, they didn't get to close but they did manage to catch some of the pesky individuals that dared taste my blood. More than one Ruby throated hummingbird visited the feeder, male and female. I found a young chipmunk and it's mother hiding underneath the fushia bush, the lilacs were blooming , the blueberries were blooming and all the blooming flowers everywhere attracted many bumblebees and honeybees. In the back ground behind the song of American goldfinches, Eastern phoebes, and Chipping sparrows, Northern cardinals,American robins and Gray catbirds sang along with the "yank yank" of a white breasted nuthatch. It was a beautiful evening and I felt so glad because of all the beauty around me and the time I got to spend with my family.

Posted on 20 May, 2020 00:06 by jobird jobird


Beautiful post, I felt I was there with you and all that nature. Also, Happy Birthday!

Posted by maryjb over 4 years ago

@maryjb Thank you!!

Posted by jobird over 4 years ago

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