Pollinator Seed Giveaway!

Calling all EcoSpark observers! Did you know Ontario has hundreds of species of native bees, and just as many flower flies, all getting busy pollinating plants? From now until May 12th, 2020 we are providing free native pollinator seeds (while supplies last) to any Ontarian who makes a new, valid, iNaturalist observation in this project.

To participate:

1) Join EcoSpark's iNaturalist project at https://inaturalist.ca/projects/ecospark-participant-observations
2) Follow iNaturalist guidelines (and any local health rules) and start exploring nearby nature. Submit an observation to iNaturalist by May 12th. We suggest looking for insects, dandelions, garlic mustard, or other wild species and weeds near home. (The observation must be validated, so aim for clear, identifiable photos. Avoid cultivated/domestic species.)
3) Once you've submitted an observation, email your iNaturalist username and your home address to dana@ecospark.ca with "SEEDS" in the subject line.
4) Get seeds in your mailbox to support pollinators!

Questions? Contact dana@ecospark.ca

Posted on 06 May, 2020 17:19 by ecospark ecospark


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