Union Bay Naturalist Area 4/12

Date:April 12,2012
Location:Union Bay Naturalist Area in the U district
Weather: Overcoast, started off humid and then got windy and colder
Climate: Rainy

Today i went the Union Bay Naturalist Area to practice journal sketches. I found a nice overgrown apple tree that i spent quite a while sketching. It had really interesting bark patterns, the bark seems to be wrapping itself around the tree trunk in circles. The flowers had not yet started to bloom but were getting very close. I also saw a cottonwood right across from the apple tree which i did not know was a cotton wood at the time. This tree also had interesting bark, its branches were making slits where they were coming out from the trunk making them appear to be coming out of a bunch of little mouths. I also saw some dead rose and sketched it, and then got distracted by some crows that landed in front of me and started sketching them. Around the same area as the crows and rose i came across a tree that I have never seen before. Unfortunately, my camera sucks and i was unable to get a good picture of its flowers because I cannot take close ups. To be a good naturalist i should probably upgrade my technology. In the mean time, I hope that someone can identify my mystery tree with blurry flowers. (I don't even know if they are flowers, they could be fruit or cones of some sort)

Species List:
Apple Tree (Malus pumila)
mystery tree
cottonwood (genus populus)
rose(genus rosa)
American crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos)

Posted on 13 April, 2012 06:36 by lmcthe01 lmcthe01


Photos / Sounds


Apple (Malus domestica)




April 12, 2012


Some type of deciduous tree. Has scaly lite brown bark with the presence of lichen and moss, Bark seems to wrap itself around the tree. Leaves are small, fuzy, and waxy. Has pink flowers that grow in bunches at the ends of its stems. Edges of leaves are serrated, flowers are just about to start blooming.

Photos / Sounds


Western Balsam Poplar (Populus trichocarpa)




April 12, 2012


Some type of tree with alternate branches. Bark seems to crack where branches form. Bark is grey. Tree has small waxy leaves. Tree is about 15 ft tall, surrounded by more of the same tree, some appear to be younger and some are about the same size.

Photos / Sounds


Nootka Rose (Rosa nutkana)




April 12, 2012


Some type of berry that has just gone out of bloom, all of its berries were shrived up. Plant had small thorns on it's stems.

Photos / Sounds


Oregon Ash (Fraxinus latifolia)




April 12, 2012


A tree that I have never seen before. Had very strange reddish brown seeds. Wondering if it is not indigenous to Washington.


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