Technology can be such a help

I had a wonderful evening of bird watching last night. As I stood on the bridge watching the tide flow back into the marshes I noticed a of what thought were ducks floating on the water.

taking my dSLR camera (a pentax k-r) I snapped a few pictures of them and returned to my car.

I love my gadgets and I'm never far from them, so pulling out my iPhone I opened up the Audubon Bird App to confirm which type of Duck I'd seen. Turns out they (a male and female) were not ducks at all. Hmm, so spending a few minutes comparing the photo on my camera to the ID photo's and description on the app I was able to make an ID of a Red-breasted Merganser. While not rare in my area, they were still a first for me !!

I was able to use my Birdlog app to up load all of my checklists for the evening to ebird while still the field which makes my accuracy sooooo much better.

Posted on 06 April, 2012 14:02 by fulinn fulinn


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