Planning for 2020! Calls for returning and new organizers in Dec and Jan

Time to get organized for 2020! Next Tuesday, December 10, 10-11 am we'll have a call for returning organizers. On Tuesday, January 7, 10-11 am we'll have a call for new organizers where we go over more of the context and orientation that we'll skip for returning organizers. 

Please think about people or organizations that may want to be involved but haven't been, and invite them to the January call. Especially take a look at parts of the region where we've had low participation. We know there's lots of biodiversity there, too!

Join the Google Group to stay in the loop on organizing calls and events, because they won't all be posted on iNaturalist.!forum/dc-area-citynaturechallenge

In the meantime, please join the new project on iNaturalist:

Posted on 03 December, 2019 14:52 by carrieseltzer carrieseltzer


Do you have any update from the iNaturalist team on plans to upgrade the infrastructure before CNC 2020? The whole system seemed to grind to a halt for several days during CNC 2019. If you can reassure me that infrastructure improvements are in the pipeline, then I will be happy to join the project again for 2020.

Posted by tsn almost 5 years ago

Hi @tsn, yes we're working on minimizing the bottlenecks that are exacerbated during the "spring bump" and CNC in particular. Map tile updates are being tested (you can opt in in your account settings if you haven't yet). Notifications and lists are two areas that aren't scaling and will need to be changed to accommodate the growth. Much of our engineering resources are devoted to scaling the infrastructure these days, one way or another.

We greatly appreciate your remote assistance with identifications!

Posted by carrieseltzer almost 5 years ago

Carrie, thank you for the update, and for the tip on map tile settings. I am very glad to hear that these issues are being addressed, and I look forward to helping the 2020 DC Metro CNC effort next spring.

Posted by tsn almost 5 years ago

I am not an organizer, but I participated for the first time last year. We have numerous watershed groups in Mntogomery County; was any effort made in previous years to have them get the word out to their membership about the CNC?

Posted by sladen almost 5 years ago

Hi @sladen! I don't know of any outreach that happened to MoCo watershed groups, but perhaps there was. Would you like to join our call in January and/or invite others from those groups to join as well?

Posted by carrieseltzer almost 5 years ago

Yes, I would like to join the January call. Thanks
Sandy (VP Friends of Cabin John Creek)

Posted by sladen almost 5 years ago

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