[OhioDragonfly] Fall is upon us!

Hi everyone!

The season is starting to slow down, but there are still several cool fall species. If you haven't seen an Autumn Meadowhawk, Blue-Faced Meadowhawk, Great Spreadwing, or Slaty Skimmer, they are still out! I know Swift Setwings are also still out, albeit localized to their known locations so far.

Photo and specimen Record Submission Deadline - December 1st
Please be sure to submit your observations to iNaturalist by December 1st! Any photo records from Ohio from any time are greatly appreciated. They need to be submitted to iNaturalist to be included in our dataset. Specimen records are also due to MaLisa by this date unless an alternative arrangement is made.

Photo request for the Ohio Dragonfly Field Guide:
Sometime this fall, we will be doing a call for images to be included in the upcoming field guide covering all Ohio Dragonflies and Damselflies. We are still working out the logistics, but if you are interested in having your images in a published book, keep an eye out for our updated announcement.

Other upcoming events:

September 7, 2019: 10 AM Modern Day Dragons (Greenville, Ohio) https://darkecoparks.recdesk.com/Community/Program/Detail?programId=90
September 14, 2019: 10 AM Bug in the Bog (Urbana, Ohio) https://cedarbognp.org/wp-content/uploads/Cedar-Bog-Happenings-2019.pdf

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Best wishes,
MaLisa Spring
State Coordinator of the Ohio Dragonfly Survey

Posted on 30 August, 2019 15:56 by malisaspring malisaspring


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