And we feature again!!! Cape Town in the forefront ...

Just what we dont want!!!

World’s largest plant survey reveals alarming extinction rate
Since 1900, nearly 3 species of seed-bearing plants have disappeared per year ― 500 times faster than they would naturally.

At least we only came second this time!!!

Posted on 12 June, 2019 09:48 by tonyrebelo tonyrebelo


What are our Extinct species?

The following species that used to occur in Cape Town are now listed in the IUCN Red List as “Globally Extinct”. Below, the date and cause of extinction are given for each:

Buchu family:
Hairy Buchu Macrostylis villosa subsp. minor (1960s; vineyards in the Bottelary Hills)

Daisy family:
Hairy Boneseed Osteospermum hirsutum (1800s; urbanisation)

Heath family – six species:
Kraaifontein Heath Erica bolusiae var. cyathiformis (1970s; urbanisation of northern suburbs; in cultivation at Kirstenbosch);
Showy Heath Erica turgida (1970s; housing at Kenilworth; in cultivation at Kirstenbosch and reintroduced to Kenilworth, Rondevlei and Tokai);
Whorl Heath Erica verticillata (1950s; flower picking and wetland destruction; in cultivation and reintroduced to Rondevlei, Kenilworth and Tokai);
Alexander’s Heath Erica alexandri subsp. acockii (1940s; urbanisation of Kraaifontein);
Steenbras Heath Erica foliacea subsp. fulgens (1890s; pine plantations); &
Pyramid Heath Erica pyramidalis (1950s; urbanisation of southern suburbs).

Pea family – two species:
Cape Flats Gorse Aspalathus variegata (1890s; urbanisation of southern suburbs); &
Grass Mountain Pea Liparia graminifolia (1820s; urbanisation of Mowbray).

Protea family:
Wynberg Conebush Leucadendron grandiflorum (1800s; vineyards at Wynberg)

Reed family:
Table Mountain Window Reed Willdenowia affinis (1910s; pine plantations at Kloof Corner)

Sedge family:
Green-and-red Isolepis Isolepis bulbifera (1950s; urbanisation of southern suburbs)

Snapdragon family:
Peninsula Snapdragon Nemesia micrantha (date and cause of extinction unknown)

Yes, it seems that we do need outside help in conserving our species!!

And we may as well mention:

Velvetworm: Lion Velvetworm Peripatopsis leonina (1950s; Signal Hill; cause of extinction unknown)

Posters here:

Posted by tonyrebelo about 5 years ago

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