City Nature Challenge: April 26 - 29, 2019

Be sure to put this on your calendar! San Diego was in the top 3 of each category (number of observations, number of species and number of participants) last year. With your help, we can make San Diego number 1 across the board!
City Nature Challenge 2019 San Diego County

Posted on 27 March, 2019 22:30 by milliebasden milliebasden


25-mile buffer??? That more than doubles the size of the county! Is that true for all the places?

Posted by judygibson over 5 years ago

As I understand it, whoever sets up the challenge for a given area gets to draw the map however they see fit. I don't think it was done that way last year, but I'm not sure.

Posted by milliebasden over 5 years ago

Will there be a get-together at the NAT before the big weekend?

Posted by snakeinmypocket over 5 years ago

Unfortunately, there are not any plans for a get-together this year.

Posted by milliebasden over 5 years ago

@judygibson The 25-mile buffer has been removed--the boundaries are back to where they were last year.

Posted by milliebasden over 5 years ago

Pity, because last year that rallied the troops! Hope we don't slip in the ratings

Posted by snakeinmypocket over 5 years ago

Excellent! Thanks for taking the lead on that, Millie! And agree with @snakeinmypocket that a training session would be helpful, but I'm not volunteering to do it. Got no responses to my posting of the challenge to my sharing of the Botany Dept announcement to my FB feed, so maybe people in general aren't as interested as we are.

Posted by judygibson over 5 years ago

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