iNat Outings Coming in March!

Beginning in March, 2019, our chapter will offer several opportunities for small group iNaturalist outings! The plan is for a small group to meet at a designated venue (park, sanctuary, vacant lot, etc.) and spend a couple of hours surveying the area, recording as many species as possible. At least a couple of experienced iNat users will be present, so this is a great opportunity for new users to get some "guided practice." We will be collecting useful data for science, while at the same time learning to identify local flora and fauna. As an added bonus, exploring nature with other people is lots of fun! These iNat outings will be on the chapter calendar We'll also announce them here, with additional details (where to park, etc.) So check back often!

Posted on 09 February, 2019 00:55 by lisa281 lisa281


Yippee!!! Hope everyone is gearing up for the City Nature Challenge too -- it's going to be a fun one!

Posted by sambiology over 5 years ago

Absolutely! Plans are in the works...

Posted by lisa281 over 5 years ago

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