Went to check out the burn area on Mt. Diablo this morning, and was surprised to find things sprouting back already. I guess we had some rain in September, but that was 0.66" after many, many months of nothing. The burn area within the park looks contained between Summit Rd, Curry Canyon Rd, and Prospector's Gap Rd., with only minimal burn around the summit I was mostly wandering around the Summit Trail and Prospector's Gap, but there was some serious burnination along Summit Rd, if you want to investigate and can't/won't hike very far. Early sprouters included oaks, poison oak, yerba santa, and annual grasses.
I found at least one mammal bone, but otherwise no mammal remains, which contrasted from the burn area I visited in Montaña de Oro in the spring, which had all these little piles of bones. I suspect there were plenty of mammals in the area, so why no remains? Or why were they at Montaña de Oro?
Interestingly, there were almost no Western Fence Lizards. I saw one, outside the burn, whereas usually I'd expect to see them everywhere.
Here are some more landscape pics:
Bone in a pile of white ash, just like Montana de oro.
New growth after the fire, already!
Cones opening after fire
Sprouting around what May have been manzanita, and maybe some chamise.
Doesn't look like the burn was that hot here (still some green trees) but still, pretty amazing
Tending aphids on an oak sprout.
Not really sure what this is. Heteroecus?
The remaining oaks seem to be producing acorns in profusion. Probably not related to the fire, but good to know there will be a next generation.
Thanks for the report!
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